Treatment for enlarged pore

Treatment for enlarged pore

Most enlarged pore on the face are as a result of hereditary factors, more than anything else. If your mother and father had them, you may too. Enlarged pore is usually results in a skin due to the overactivity of the sebaceous glands. Oil is secreted by the glands through the pores of the skin, causing the pore to get clogged when the oil hardness. Pores enlarge during puberty, when oil glands in your skin begin to increase the amount of oil that they pump through your pores.

The pore is thus stretched and loses their natural resilience. Excessive secretion of oil and clogging of the pore, over a period of time, thicken them and make them enlarged. The skin begins to look coarse and loses its smooth, porcelain quality.

More commonly, in talking about the skin, a enlarge pore is an opening that secretes sebaceous oil to lubricate and protect the surface of the skin. Keep your face clean and resist the urge to pick at enlarged pores and blemishes - this will prevent pores from becoming irritated and more noticeable.


If you have an oily skin, it is important to keep the enlarged pore free of sebum. Then wash the skin with a medicated cleanser to reduce the surface oil. Use a good quality skin toner daily to remove oil from the skin and to close pores. Regular cleansing and use of products that reduces surface grease and helps to refine the enlarged pore. This will result in a smooth clean textured skin.

  • Skin toning with rose-based skin tonic is essential. Keep the skin tonic in refrigerator, in a bowl, with a cotton wool pads soaking in it. Wipe your skin with it several times during the day and also pat your skin briskly with it.
  • Rose extract help to close the enlarge pore and improve skin texture.
  • Mix table salt and buttermilk into a paste, apply on enlarged pores and massage well. Rinse with warm water.
  • Mix almond meal with enough water to make a paste. Apply to pores for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water, then apply with hazel or a solution of apple cider vinegar and water.
  • Wash your face. After washing your face, smooth a lotion containing alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) over your skin to peel away old skin cells that build up around your enlarged pores.
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