

Whiteheads are follicles that are filled with the same as blackheads, but have only a microscopic opening to the skin surface. Since the air cannot reach the follicle, the material is not oxidized, and remains white.


Whiteheads are caused by the accumulation of hardened sebum or oil, in the pores of the skin. The difference between this and blackheads, is that in areas where the skin is fine and delicate, the clogged sebum is not exposed take place, as in the case of blackheads. The whiteheads appear in the form of tiny, pearly white raised spots. They are common in the area just above the cheekbones, where the skin is fine.

On oily skins, they may appear as part of a 'problem skin condition ', along with blackheads, pimples and acne. Whiteheads are promoted by excessive cellular exfoliation, which quickly clog or block the follicles. Some skin specialists believe individuals with frequent and multiple blackheads and whiteheads produce sebum that is drier than normal and conducive to forming firm plugs. Sebum contributes to skin oils and people with dry sebum may have dry skin and this may be especially true of people with chronic whiteheads.

Whiteheads should never be removed forcibly, even with a comedone, or blackhead extractor. Forcible extraction can damage skin tissue and cause infection.


  • You can a facial steamer or take hot water in a pan, cover your head with a towel and let your face receive a light steam. This will help in losing whiteheads and cleaning the pores of the skin.
  • Make a paste of roasted & powdered pomegranate skin with fresh lime juice and apply over boils, pimple, blackheads and whiteheads.
  • Mix Cornstarch With Vinegar, make a paste and apply on the area for 15-30 minutes; wash off with washcloth and warm water, this helps to get rid whiteheads.
  • Apply grated potatoes as poultice to treat skin blemishes, pimples, and whiteheads.
  • Mix 1-tablespoon groundnut oil with 1-tablespoon fresh lime juice to prevent formation of whiteheads and pimples.
  • Make a paste of sandalwood with rose water. Apply on affected area. Wash it off after 20-30 minutes with lukewarm water.
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