Anti-aging Skin Care Treatment

Anti-aging Skin Care Treatment

Growing old is not an illness, but the passing years do make the body more open to to disease. The body's cells stop dividing after they have divided between twenty and thirty times. New cells must be made to replace those that stop dividing, a process that: slows with age. When there are no longer enough new cells to replace the ones that have died or suffered damage, the result is aging. Studies reveal that cells that stop dividing, change form and release damaging proteins that harm bodily tissues, further contributing to the aging process. Many researchers still maintain that it is our chosen lifestyles that accelerate aging, rather than genetics or other factors.

The free radical theory of aging has been the subject of a great deal of research in recent years and has been gaining increasing acceptance. Free radicals are atoms or groups of atoms that are extremely unstable and highly reactive. If they are present in excessive amounts, they begin attacking the body on the cellular level. Free radicals attack the cells protective membranes and genetic material, causing cellular damage and malfunction. To make matters worse, the immune system may then attack the damaged cells as if they were foreign invaders.

Because they are so chemically reactive, free radicals exist for only one-millionth of a second each. This has made it difficult for researchers to study them directly. But are millions of them, and even with their short life's they do considerable damage to our cells. One researcher has postulated that many of the degenerative disorders we associate with aging, including cancer and hardening of arteries, are not inevitable results of the passage of time, but rather are the result of the breakdown of nucleic acids, proteins, and cell structures caused by the presence of free radicals. He asserted that the phenomenon we refer to as aging is in fact nothing more than the ever-increasing accumulation of changes caused, or contributed to, by the pre of oxygen-based free radicals, Thus, though oxygen gives us life, it can also be our greatest enemy.

A significant number of problems faced by people over the age of sixty may also be attributable to nutritional deficiencies. Many elderly people have mal absorption problems, in which the nutrients in food are not properly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. As we age, our bodies do not assimilate nutrients as well as they have once did. As the body ages, its system slow down and become less efficient, so the correct nutrients are more important than ever for the support, repair and regeneration of the cells.

There are many disorders associated with an inability to absorb nutrients successfully. One study of older people living in an urban area found that 90 percent of those examined had an inadequate intake of vitamins B1 (thiamine) and B6 (pyridoxine), and 30 to 40 percent demonstrated deficiencies of vitamin A, vitamin B3 (niacin), vitamin B12, vitamin C, calcium, and iron. Only 10 percent of the subjects consumed adequate amounts of protein. Many people in hospitals and other confined environments are deprived of sunlight, making them deficient in Vitamin D. A diet that lacks essential nutrients over a long period of time leads to a greater risk of degenerative disease.

Vitamin B12 deficiency is a particular problem. A lack of vitamin B12 can lead to the development of neurological symptoms ranging from tingling sensations, inability to coordinate muscular movements, weakened limbs, and lack of balance, to memory loss, mood changes, disorientation, and psychiatric disorders. Symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency can easily be misinterpreted as signs of senility. Many older people become deficient in vitamin B12 because they do not produce adequate amounts of stomach acid for proper digestion. This creates a perfect environment for the overgrowth of certain bacteria that steal whatever vitamin B12 is extracted from protein in the digestive tract. Other people do not produce enough of a substance called intrinsic factor, without which vitamin B12 cannot travel from the stomach to the rest of the body, even if nothing else is standing in its way.

One can have vitality & a zest for living at any age. Please don’t assume that pain and illness are inevitable parts of aging. You can feel better at sixty than you did at thirty by making healthy changes in your diet and lifestyle. Adding the right supplements should give you the added power needed to boost immunity and prevent or cure most disorders-not to mention making you able to work or play longer than people much younger than you are. Looking youthful for your age is an added bonus. But remember: It takes years for these problems to develop, so it usually takes some time to resolve them as well. There are no silver bullets or magic potions, only the simple fact that if you give your body the correct fuel, it will perform for you and protect against illness.

Most of the supplements listed below can be found in complexes containing many nutrients. Be sure to check the amounts of different nutrients in your multi nutrient supplements, and either exclude individual nutrients or adjust the dosages, as appropriate. For best absorption of nutrients, use as many sublingual (under the tongue), liquid, and powdered supplements as possible. It makes sense for older adults to use nutrients in drink form, but there are many good supplements in powder and liquid forms as well.

Vitamin Supplement for Anti aging

  • Dandelion and milk thistle promote good liver function and bile flow.
  • Taking 4,000-1,000 mg daily Vitamin C with bioflavonoid in divided doses is helpful.
  • Green tea aids in cancer prevention and is a powerful antioxidant.
  • Licorice root is an effective anti-inflammatory and anti­allergenic agent that supports the organ systems.
  • Bilberry and ginseng are good for giving extra energy, improving brain function, increasing circulation, and promoting better blood flow to supply oxygen to the cells. Bilberry also protects the eyes.
  • Saw palmetto aids in preventing cancer and, for men, in improving non cancerous prostate enlargement. It helps in the inhibition of enlargement of the prostate gland.
  • Include more raw vegetables, fruits, grains, seeds, nuts, and quality protein such as fish and soy foods. Consume less animal protein. Include in your diet broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, fish, fruits, whole grains, nuts, oats, seeds, and soybeans. Avoid processed foods. Always try to eat balanced diet. Drink enough amount of water also.
  • Include in your diet garlic, onions, shiitake mush rooms, and pearl barley. These foods are good sources of germanium, potassium, and many other nutrients that lessen free radical damage and act as catalysts in the supply of oxygen to oxygen-poor tissue.
  • Nettle is full of vital minerals and is good for hypoglycemia, allergies, arthritis, depression, prostate and urinary tract disorders, and a host of other problems.
  • Taking vitamin B3, 3 times daily is important in proper functioning of the nervous system.
  • Wild yam contains natural steroids that have a rejuvenating effect. Steroids are what help exercise to melt off more weight and build muscle. This hormone is found in the human body as dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA). Take larger amounts-2,400 mg daily, dropping to 1,600 mg daily-for two weeks, then stop for two weeks.


  • Learn how to relax and keep yourself active and be enthusiastic about life. By keeping up your appearance, exercising every day, & being involved in hobbies and other activities, you can keep your mind active. This is most important.
  • Don't ever smoke or overexpose yourself to harmful chemicals such as environmental pollutants.
  • Proper rest is important. Have enough sleep.
  • Improve your blood's oxygenation and circulation with deep breathing exercises & yoga (pranayama). Try to hold your breath for thirty seconds every half hour. Inhale and hold for thirty seconds, then place your tongue on the roof of your mouth where your teeth meet your gums and release the air slowly. Repeat this exercise every day.
  • Many older adults complain of sleep difficulties. One common cause is the consumption of sugar after dinner. Complex carbohydrates have a relaxing effect. A good nighttime snack is popcorn, or nut butter and crackers. Protein, on the other hand, promotes alertness, so it should be consumed earlier in the day.
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