Beauty Tips for Working Women

A career woman is a very busy woman. She has not only to go to office & handle a lot of exacting chores but she has also to look after the household after her responsibilities at the desk are over. This leaves her with little time to look after herself and yet she needs to look neat and beautiful in her place of work.

What you require is to take one day off every week and reserve it for beautifying yourself. Make it Sunday when usually everyone has a holiday. This day should belong exclusively to you. Rest, relax and beautify yourself and see how the next day you will not only look more beautiful and attractive but be lighter and brighter both in body and spirit.

This one day beauty care is not only meant to beautify you but it is also health-giving and prolongs your youthfulness. Take a light diet on this day to give, your over worked digestive system a rest.

Here is a sample of the Sunday diet.

Beauty Tips for Working Women


  • One glass orange juice
  • Cornflakes with milk.
  • Tea or coffee.


  • One cup skimmed milk with 1 biscuit. (You can substitute milk for tea or coffee.)


  • Steamed chicken or fish.
  • One green or yellow vegetable.
  • One salad of raw vegetables.
  • Fruit of choice.


  • Tea, coffee, milk or soft drink with 1 biscuit.


  • Soup
  • Mutton stew
  • Bread
  • Fruit.


  • One cup skimmed milk with honey.

After taking your breakfast, rest for a while and then go in for your bath. Lock yourself in and get to work. Start with chores like 'defusing' your legs or arms, dealing with superfluous hair on the face, washing and setting your hair and doing your nails. All these chores need to be done regularly for a well-groomed look.

Now take your bath. Fill the bathtub with lukewarm water and put in a few drops of your favorite essence. Then, lie back in the tub and try to keep your mind blank think of absolutely nothing for 10 minutes or try to dwell upon happy things. Let your arms and legs float in the water, splash them around a little and let the ripples in the bath water float over you. Get out of the bath and pat yourself dry and give yourself a facial.

After all this, you should emerge from the bathroom, both refreshed and invigorated. Now have your lunch and go to bed. Do not talk, do not work, for this day is for you and for the next six days you will be for others-what a relaxed, beautiful and changed person you will be !

Clean your face both morning and night because, as you are out in the open for long periods, your skin takes on more dust and grime than the women who stay at home.

However tired you may be after a late night, do not hop into your bed without removing every trace of your makeup otherwise your pores will get clogged and your skin will become sick.

Every night before going to bed give your skin a little nourishment by rubbing in a little cream of milk blended with lime juice and a pinch of turmeric powder. Use only a dusting of powder, a soft shade of lipstick and a touch of rouge for the office. And always carry your makeup kit with you to 'do' yourself up before leaving for your home.

Also pay greatest attention to your personal cleanliness so that you will not only feel fragrant but also fresh and lively the whole day through. So use a little bath essence, toilet water and dusting powder and also use deodorant regularly whether you think you need it or not.

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