Just like your face or the hair on your head, your hands need a little extra special attention if you want them to look good. Because it is one of the vital organs of our body, which is frequently used for most our daily routines.
- Cleanse and Exfoliate. Wash with a gentle glycerin or Castile soap and gently exfoliate, once or twice a week, with an oatmeal- or clay- based soap. If your hands are extremely dry, use a super-fatted soap.
- Twice a day, and always after doing dishes or washing your hands, apply moisturizer. Hands that are dry, cracked, or chapped are not only uncomfortable but also more susceptible to infection: the skin is a protective covering, and when it's ruptured, bacteria can get through its tiny cracks
- Use Sunscreen. Exposure to the sun accelerates aging on the hands as well as the face, which means wrinkling and brown spots. Brown spots most commonly appear on the hands and face. They are concentrations of melanin triggered by too much sun exposure over too long a period of time. Regular use of good sunscreen lotions will prevent brown spots over 90 percent of the time. So when you apply sunscreen to your face in the morning, make sure to put some on the backs of your hands, too.
- Protect your hands. Wear rubber glove when you clean with harsh detergents or wash dishes. Because heavy-duty rubber makes you sweat, which makes the skin dry and puny, apply a thin layer of moisturizer before you put them on.
- When it comes to skin care, hand creams keep your body supple and revitalized.
- Since our hands go through so much each day, they need a little extra attention to maintain their femininity.
- Hand Creams apply the same moisturizing principles to your body, as anti-aging skin creams do for the face.
There are many benefits to using hand creams, as they reduce the signs of aging. For instance, hand creams will help rid you of:
- Sores
- Eczema
- Redness
- Brown Spots
Hand Cream will leave your hands feeling soft, silky and ready for the day.
- Choosing the right hand cream comes down to understanding your individual skin needs.
- For instance, although bleaching cream will help lighten, tighten, and moisturize, it may not be best for your hands.
- Keep your hands soft and supple with Arnica Hand Cream
- Don’t forget the importance of protecting your skin with sun screen.
- Many face and hand creams have built in sun screen, which will protect you all day long, even through the winter months.
- Sun screen doesn’t have to be sticky and heavy, in fact most skin creams have light and moisturizing sun screens already built in.
Another quick tip for maintaining smooth hands is to wear rubber gloves when you wash the dishes. This protects your hands from the moisture zapping effects of the dish liquid.
- Our hands are always on display, as we use them to express, work and interact.
- Hand Care should be an important element in your skin care routine, as they so often need direct attention.
- Due to the fact that our hands have very few oil glands, they become dry and chapped quite easily. This is especially true during the winter months.
- Years ago, women wore emollient-saturated gloves to bed in order to have softer hands. This technique can still be applied today to achieve smooth hands.
- Create your own intensive treatment at home with hand creams and thin white cotton gloves. If you suffer extensively from eczema, look online for specialty skin creams.
When we ignore the care of our hands it doesn’t take long to show.
Take good care of your hands with professional skin creams and Hand Cream . Use our super online guide to the top brand names in skin care, so you can maintain silky smooth hands.
Hands are the most visible parts of you, but they also take a lot of abuse. You use them in everyday activity, and yet, they are the ultimate accessories. You must give them the same attention you give your face.
- Soften your hands even while you do the dishes. Add a little almond oil (about a teaspoon) to dishwater. The water will soften rough skin while the oil seals the moisture.
- Slough off dead skin cells with a solution made of sea salt lemon. Brush it into hands with an old toothbrush. Do this twice a week to soften hands and remove discoloration.
- Wash hands thoroughly with warm water, then, using a coarse washcloth, rub briskly. While skin is slightly damp, apply a mixture of one teaspoon honey and one teaspoon olive oil. Place hands in small plastic bags, then in a pair of cotton gloves for thirty minutes. The heat helps the treatment penetrate.
- Warm a cup of milk in the microwave for thirty seconds (or until warm, but comfortable to the touch). Soak your hands for five minutes to strengthen nails and hydrate skin. Not only is milk loaded with lactic acid, a natural alpha hydroxyl acid that gently exfoliates dead skin, but also its high calcium content will strengthen fragile nails.
Hands are vital to a well-groomed appearance. Some of the common hands problems can be cured by little attention paid by you. Good care of your hands and nails results in beautiful hands.