Our nails are very well designed to protect the fleshy fingertip, which helps us to manipulate small objects and do many things. Although nails are actually dead tissue, they grow from matrix of living flesh beneath what is called the nail bed, or the fold of skin at base of the nail, at a rate of one-eighth inch per month. A complete nail grows in six months. As the cells push up from the fold, they hidden and become keratin.
- Clean your nails with a soft brush.
- Remove all traces of nail polish with a cotton wool pad soaked in remover.
- Pay special attention to the corners, where streaks of nail color may remain.
- Soak hands in a bowl of warm, soapy water with a pinch of salt.
- Massage cream into the cuticle, all around the nail and down to the first joint of the finger.
- Push back the cuticle with a cuticle stick.
- Give your hands a light scrubbing with a pumice stone, to gently cleanse the skin.
- Cut your nails to the desired length.
- File your nails to prevent splitting and flaking.
- Use the coarse side of the nail file to reduce the size of the nail, and the fine side to shape and seal edges.
- Snip cuticles with a cuticle cutter. You can also apply a liquid cuticle remover to the nails to further soften dead skin cells which collect around the nails groove
- Remove dirt lodged underneath nails. Change the water in the bowl and add a few drops of antiseptic solution.
- Apply hand cream and give yourself a thorough massage to remove dry or loose skin cells. This improves the circulation and allows hands to become supple and soft to the touch. Steam hands with a soft towel and relax.
- Apply a thick layer of cream to your hands. The thermo herb pack reduces wrinkles and fine lines, and tightens skin. This pack is removed after ten minutes and a rose mask pack is applied with a manicure brush, to refresh and rejuvenate hands.
- Nails are polished with a buffer. This improves blood circulation and gives nails a shine. Two coats of nail polish and a topcoat later.
- Mix two tablespoons of powdered gelatin in a glass of milk or fruit juice and drink daily in the morning. This is a sure cure for brittle and splitting nails.
- To soften hands soak them in a mixture of honey and orange juice for about ten minutes. Pat dry and apply hand cream.
- Lemon juice is a whitening agent and can also be used for removing stains from fingers and nails. Apply and leave for 15-20 minutes. Remove with warm water, pat dry and follow with a rich moisturizing cream (lemon juice can be drying, so you must compensate).
- Take three tablets of calcium lactate daily with a warm glass of milk for strong bones, nails and teeth. To repair the damage done by soaps and hard detergents rub equal amounts of rose water and glycerin to the hands.
- Exercise your hands daily - like any other part of your body, they need a workout, tool.
- Bend your fingers up and down 15-20 times daily. Pep up the circulation by taking the fingers of one hand in the other and gently pulling each finger.
- Avoid very hot water to soak your hands, as this can dry out skin and nails.
- Never cut cuticles, or use sharp metal instruments to clean under the nails.
- Avoid hard nailbrushes.
- If you have brittle nails, avoid frosted nail varnish.
- Your daily diet should provide adequate amounts of calcium, sulfur, amino acids, phosphorous, Vitamins B and E. These are available from milk and milk products, whole grains, eggs, fruits and vegetables.