Using a scope & magic mouthwash daily helps keep your gums healthy and your breath smelling fresh. This daily ritual also helps prevent the build up of plaque on your teeth. Alongside the regular brushing of your teeth with toothpaste and flossing between the teeth, gargles and scope mouthwash form an essential part of your daily mouth hygienic routine.
Certain essential oils are very effective in keeping your gums in tiptop condition. Myrrh is traditionally used in toothpaste and scope mouthwash as it quickly heals gum disorder and heals mouth ulcers. Fennel is also recommended for use in gargles and scope mouthwash as it helps clear gum infection and keeps the mouth smelling fresh and sweet. Alongside peppermint, fennel helps counteract the bitterness of myrrh.
The following homemade mouthwash contains essential oils, like the scope mouthwash contains, remember to spit them out after rinsing your mouth.
This mouthwash is effective if you are having trouble with your gums bleeding or tend to develop mouth ulcers. The action of the mouthwash is reinforced by using tincture of myrrh as a direct topical application.
- Put a drop or two of tincture of myrrh on your fingertip and rub over effective area.
- It will sting briefly and taste very bitter but the healing effect is well worth it, like the magic one.
- 6 tablespoon (90ml) high proof brandy or vodka,
- 10 drops myrrh,
- 10 drops peppermint,
- 2 drops lemon,
- 1 drop thyme.
- Pour the brandy or vodka into a 4 oz (100ml) glass bottle. Carefully add the essential oils. Wash one by one. Shake the bottle vigorously to dissolve the oils.
- Label the bottle and the mouthwash is ready to use. To make one dose of mouthwash, add two or three teaspoons of mouthwash to half a small glass of warm water and stir well.
- Now you can use your homemade mouthwash.
The clean, fresh, herbal aroma of fennel is balanced with the fruity zing of grapefruit in this tangy mouthwash. Fennel also has a slight aniseed flavor, making it pleasant to use in a mouthwash as well as keeping your mouth and gums clean and healthy.
- 6 tablespoon (90ml) high proof brandy or vodka,
- 10 drops fennel,
- 10 drops grapefruit,
- 2 drops thyme,
- 1-drop chamomile.
- Pour the brandy or vodka into a 100ml glass bottle. Carefully add the essential oils one by one. Shake the bottle vigorously to dissolve the oils.
- Label the bottle and the mouthwash is ready to use. To make one dose of mouthwash, add two or three teaspoons of mouthwash to half a small glass of warm water and stir well.
- Now you can use your homemade mouthwash.
All above homemade mouthwash are good for your gum and teeth. These homemade mouthwashes prevent the teeth from gum disease and bad breath. They work like the scope or magic mouthwash works.