The most exclusive spas charge top for this foot-loving paraffin wax treatment.
- Melt 4 bars of paraffin wax in the microwave oven.
- Massage in a rich moisturizer.
- Dip one foot into warm paraffin 3 times, pausing between layers to allow them to dry.
- Wrap each foot with plastic wrap tight enough to make an airtight seal. This will help the moisturizer to penetrate.
- Let set for twenty minutes.
- Remove wrap and peel off the wax.
- You can use this treatment to your hands also.
Nail patella syndrome, is a genetic disease of the connective tissue that produces defects in the fingernails, kneecaps, and kidneys. Nail Patella Syndrome also called Fong's Disease; Hereditary Onycho-Osteodysplasia is characterized by several typical abnormalities of the arms and legs as well as kidney disease and glaucoma.
The hallmark features of Nail Patella syndrome are poorly developed fingernails, toenails, and patellae. Other common abnormalities include elbow deformities, abnormally shaped pelvis bone, and kidney disease. This disorder affects males and females equally. It is found throughout the world and occurs in all ethnic groups.
- Nail-patella syndrome is an inherited disorder.
- When a parent has nail-patella syndrome each of their children has a 50% chance to inherit the disease-causing mutation.
- A new mutation causing nail patella syndrome can also occur, causing disease in a person with no family history.
- The fingernail deformities seem to vary tremendously. Some people have brittle, underdeveloped, cracked or ridged nails while others are absent entirely. They are often concave, causing them to split, flip up and catch on clothing, bedding, etc.
Symptoms vary widely from person to person. Some of the common symptoms of Nail Patella Syndrome are: -
- The most obvious sign associated with nail-patella syndrome is absent, poorly developed, or unusual fingernails.
- Fingernails may be small and concave with pitting, ridges, splits, and/or discoloration.
- The knees of people with nail-patella syndrome may have a square appearance.
- Loss of peripheral (side) vision.
- Difficulty in adjusting to a dark room.
- Appearance of halos or rainbows around lights.
- Severe headaches, nausea and eye pain in rare cases.
- Treatment is usually not needed. In cases where kidney disease is involved, the kidney disease is treated by dialysis or a kidney transplant.
- Specific therapies for the treatment are symptomatic and supportive.
- In some cases, treatment for associated bone abnormalities may include surgical replacement of kneecaps with artificial devices (prosthetics) and or reconstruction of hypoplastic bones within the knee and or elbow areas.
- As a rule, glaucoma cannot be cured, but it can be controlled. Eye drops, pills, laser procedures, and surgical operations are used to prevent or slow further damage from occurring.